1:1 Consultation Is For Whom ?

If you are a new online seller or want to become a successful online seller (currently you might be running an offline business or you are working in a corporate job or you are a student or you are a housewife) by selling your products all across India through various marketplaces such as Amazon, Flipkart & Meesho but you have lack of knowledge of this business, then this consultation is for you.

This consultation is also for those who are selling online since so long but struggling to get orders.

Note :- Do not book this consultation if you are not serious about your online business or if you have any Account Suspension related issues or if want assistance in data management of your online business. (We have separate LIVE training for Data Management Assistance purpose.)

What You'll Get After Registering For 1:1 Consultation ?

1. You'll Get Access To 2 Pre-Recorded Courses (Validity 4 Months)

a.) Ecommerce Beginner's Course - Amazon & Flipkart Selling
b.) Create Your Own Ecommerce Website From Scratch

2. 1:1 interaction with Himanshu Sir on Zoom Call where he'll be discussing with you about your online business, how you can grow your business, problems and challenges you are facing in this business, building your own brand & some major sales strategies to scale your business on Amazon, Flipkart & Meesho.
Call Duration : 1 and a half hour (can extend for half an hour more)

3. We'll provide you support for 1 month in which our team will contact you once in a week for 3 consecutive weeks for your queries & concerns.